BBV Celebrates Earth Day

Earth Day was celebrated on 22nd April in BBV Pilani to spread awareness about environmental protection and acknowledge the global climate crisis. Students participated with enthusiasm & great zeal in the special assembly which was conducted by the Department of Social Science on the theme - “INVEST IN OUR PLANET”. Students presented ppt depicting this year's theme and the importance of this day's celebration and to protect this planet from things like pollution and deforestation. The youngsters also presented a musical skit showcasing how to make our world a happier & healthier place to live by adopting sustainable practices. Students also created artwork using leaves, flowers and other waste materials of nature.
Students were taken out of the classroom and to the school garden to do hands-on experience activities like cleaning and preparing the bed of plants and giving water to the plants. Students also learned how to prepare compost of dry leaves and students were made aware of the vital role of trees in protecting mother earth. Students visited the greenhouse of BBV to know various plants & herbs species. The programme was co-ordinated by Dr Sandhya Vyas.
Dr. M Kasturi, Principal BBV emphasized and motivated these kids for Recycling, Reduce & Reusing waste to save this planet from turning into a garbage bin.

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